Storytelling means exploring heritage through all its layers at once. Reading the building’s setting in its surroundings, exploring the materials and the traces of time on the construction details, intertwined with the consideration of the human element of living in the building, introduces an ethnological component, important for understanding the development of the content in the space and the significance of the building for today.
In the chosen medium, be it a short story, a photo essay, a video or a scientific article, the writing on heritage interweaves layers of history and contemporary interpretation, allowing the personal reliving of the facts through the subjective experience of the writer.
Storytelling in a group brings the bare facts to life and brings the significance of heritage into the contemporary era, influencing the further development and life of a building that might have gone forgotten. It is a first step towards a creation of a relationship with our valuable surroundings and represents the potential for the survival of the building shell.
Pripovedovanje zgodb pomeni raziskovanje dediščine skozi vse njene plasti naenkrat. Branje umeščenosti stavbe v okolico, raziskovanja materialov in sledi časa na gradbenih detajlih v prepletu z upoštevanjem človeškega elementa, bivanja v stavbi, vpeljuje etnološko komponento, pomembno za razumevanje razvoja vsebine v prostoru in pomena stavbe za današnji čas.
V izbranem mediju, najsi gre za kratko zgodbo, fotoesej, video ali znanstveni članek, se v pisanju o dediščini prepletejo plasti zgodovine in sodobne interpretacije in s pomočjo subjektivnega doživljanja pisca omogočijo osebno podoživljanje dejstev.
Pripovedovanje zgodb v skupini oživi gola dejstva in pomembnost dediščine prenese v sodobni čas, kar vpliva na nadalnji razvoj in življenje stavbe, ki bi brez tega lahko ostala pozabljena.
Gre za prvi korak pri ustvarjanju odnosa z nam pomembno okolico in predstavlja potencial preživetja stavbne lupine.
Authors / Avtorici
Maša Ogrin, architect
Ajda Bračič, architect
With / Z
Zavod ID 20
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